Monday, November 11, 2019

Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction

The 11 symptoms of Substance Use Disorder   

Will Meek Ph.D.

The single most common reason people seek counseling across the world is for substance use problems. I'd personally estimate that 40% of people I have worked with over my career either primarily focused on a substance use issue, or had that as a secondary concern. The following is a brief overview of how to determine the severity of any level of use.

Quick note: In this article when I use the term "substance," I am referring to any type of intoxicant (alcoholmarijuananicotinecaffeineopiates, narcotics, prescription meds, hallucinogens, etc).

Additionally, there is a lot of debate among psychologists, legal experts, doctors, philosophers, and sociologists on whether using any type of illegal substances even once is "OK." Instead of taking a position on that, this article will generally be written from a practical, open stance that accepts that we are curious, sensation-seeking beings that can make choices to have various experiences in our lives, some of which have been determined to be illegal by our governments or institutions we are affiliated with. This article is not going to cast many moral judgment or advocate any side, but instead will lay out the knowledge and facts about this subject.

Symptoms of Substance Use   learn more here>>>