Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How Much Do You, LIKE, Yourself?

By      Expert Author Richard Brody

Far too often, instead of proceeding, in the best possible manner, and your own, personal best interest, rather, we proceed, as our personal, worst enemy! When we allow negative thoughts, ideas, and attitude, to control us, and our way of life, instead of proceeding, in a positive, can - do, manner, the tendency is, often, to focus on the reasons, why we can't, rather than, how, we will! A logical, common sense, approach, might be, therefore, to, give yourself, a check - up, from the neck - up, and evaluate, whether, you, truly, LIKE yourself, and why. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, how self - image, and liking ourself, may be one of the key components, in enjoying a far healthier and happier life.
1. Look at; listen; learn; love: Will you be able to proceed, with a combination of introspection, and objectivity? Being objectively, introspective, and taking a serious look at, the possibilities, is a big step, towards, positive, self - help! Look at the possibilities, effectively listen to the possibilities, options and alternatives, and learn, how to best proceed! The more you get, to love yourself, the happier and healthier, you will be!
2. Image (self - image); imagination; innovate; insist: Have you ever considered, your personal self - image, and the reasons? Do you have the imagination, to effectively, innovate, in your best - interests? Will you insist, on becoming the best, you can possibly be?
3. Knowledge; keep; keys: The more you know, yourself, and realize, what you like and dislike, what your strengths and weaknesses, are, etc, the better you'll be able to help yourself! Use that knowledge, to know, what you should maintain, and keep, and what, to, let - go! Understand the keys to being as happy, and healthy, as possible!
4. Examine; energy; emphasis; excellence; endurance: Take a thorough, look, and consider, the best way, to improve, and enhance your potential! Maximize your personal energy, emphasize positive principles and approaches, and always, demand the utmost degree of personal excellence! Sometimes, this takes a considerable amount of persistence, and perseverance, so be ready, to maintain your endurance, and fight, for what's best, for you!
Saying you LIKE yourself, is, often, far different from, actually, liking everything, about you! The more self - satisfied, and pleased, with how you are, and how you live, as well as the positive effects on others, the better the chance of a happier, healthier existence!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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