What keeps you non-productive? Are you living your life waiting for someone to validate it?
Do you find yourself looking around to see what others have done to see if what you are planning fit in? Some will say, "yes, I have done that, and I only end up frustrated and boxed-in." If that is you too, just know that you can accept labels or be boxed-in.
People ask what you do. Are you a manager? Are you a health professional? Are you a web developer? Are you a marketer? Are you a personal fitness coach? Are you a _____ (you fill in the blank)? Honestly, you don't have a title. Do you want to be defined or confined in one word?
Even though I am a motivational type person, I can never be labeled or boxed-in, and I have always been that way. I remember sitting in a class, and people go around the room stating their name and title. How do I put one label on me? There are so many elements to me. I am into entrepreneurship, into technology, into fitness, and marketing. Whether it holds acceptable or not, I am operating in the assignment that I am given.
When someone tells me to do something, I am notorious for asking 'why.' Do you ask 'why' too or just accept the status quo?
I took a job where they told me when to go to lunch; when to go to the restroom; what I need to do and how I need to do it; how I should think, be, and do. I understand it was because a lot of people can think but don't trust what they see or their ability to make a decision. So, management steps in and defines a structured step-by-step rule to aid that set of people. But those rules hinder the creativity of people like me.
The past two and one-half years I worked there, I made every effort to 'fit in,' and that does not work for me. Why? Created as a free spirit (individualist) who should never be boxed-in, I work well in an unstructured environment. Such an environment allows me to devote my whole self to my work and produce great results.
Have you heard the saying, "If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down?" Does that describe how you feel? If so, start asking why?
Do you feel like you are intimidated to make decisions? Or when someone tells you to do something, you may not feel good about what they are telling you to do, but you do it anyway because you respect them. Be okay with starting to ask why. Why should I do that? Why do you think I should go this way? Or build this kind of business? Why?
Many times, people get stuck in tradition. Being stuck says, "this is the way it has always been done, so this is the way you should do it." Reality is the way that we flourish, as a world, at any level of history is because somebody had the vision to see we don't have to do it a particular way. Now, you can fly around the world because the Wright Brothers broke the rules.
There are so many things in our lives that people tell us we can do or cannot do. We begin to conform to the opinions of others. That tends to limit our potential because your potential lies in your vision.
The vision that you see when you close your eyes and picture in your thought. It is those moments of inspiration when you imagine yourself doing something, and you are living it out in your mind. And, you feel like you are there, and you are thinking, "Oh my God, this is me." Then you open up your eyes, and you look around, and you are thinking, "Oh, that is not realistic."
- Fulfilling your potential in life is being unrealistic.
- Fulfilling your potential in life is breaking the rules.
- Fulfilling your potential in life is being chancy.
- Fulfilling your potential in life is not to do what everyone else is doing and not conforming.
- Fulfilling your potential in life is learning how to align your decision-making and taking the actions according to the vision you see.
I've been a rebel all my life. And it was not always in the right way. A lot of it was because I did not see life the way other people see it. I question it and get in discussion for the asking why. Asking why should I have to do it this way. It has gotten me in a lot of friendly conversations. Most of all, it helps me understand others when they take the time to explain their 'why' to me.
The more I have grown; I have realized that I was right. I was challenging a traditional way of doing things. And, some people do not like you to challenge them.
If you feel stuck or controlled, you may need to begin owning being a rebel with a cause. Not in a disrespectful way. A rebel fight against something. That is why a lot of people do not like the term rebel. It is okay if you are battling against something that goes against who you are.
Some of the most successful people I know go against any mediocrity. They fight against being typical. They fight against blending in. They fight against doing things the way everybody else does it because that is the way that they do it.
Ensure that you are doing your work and doing the research about things you doubt you should do. This will allow you to have an honest conversation and let others see why you should not do it a certain way.
If doing something for the sake of 'it has always been done this way' does not fall into alignment with the vision that you have, you may choose not to do it. You can ask 'why?' And, if still, people tell you that you cannot do something your way, you ask why and then go out and show everyone that it can be done.
I hope this article jump-starts your progression to a successful personal and work life. I wish you well.
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Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Allura_Ophira/2683290
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10168813
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